
I regularly use dictionary files in password attacks, sprays etc, but I often find that my target network/application is enforcing some kind of password complexity policy. What this means if you're using something like rockyou.txt, is that over 90% of those passwords are not going to be compliant.

I've looked for a tool which will let me extract passwords that meet a set of complexity rules, but I couldn't find anything. Maybe I need to improve my googling skills. In the end, I decided to write a simple tool myself.

GetCompliant will extract all passwords from a sourcefile that meet custom complexity rules.


           _                          _  _            _
 ___  ___ | |_  ___  ___  _____  ___ | ||_| ___  ___ | |_
| . || -_||  _||  _|| . ||     || . || || || .'||   ||  _|
| _ ||___||_|  |___||___||_|_|_||  _||_||_||__,||_|_||_|
|___|                           |_|

  -i, --inputfile=VALUE      Password File eg. rockyou.txt
  -o, --outputfile=VALUE     Output File
  -f, --forceoverwrite       force overwrite if Output file exists
  -m, --minlength=VALUE      Minimum password Length
  -x, --maxlength=VALUE      Maximum password Length
  -u, --upper                must include Uppercase set
  -l, --lower                must include Lowercase set
  -p, --special              must include Special Char set
  -n, --number               must include Number set
  -s, --sets=VALUE           number of Mandatory sets (default: All Sets)
  -h, -?, --help             Show Help


Extract passwords from rockyou.txt that contain 3 out of the following sets: Uppercase, Lowercase, Digits and Symbols, with a minimum length of 7 characters.


Check out the GitHub Repo for code.